Anxiety, something that is more common and more real than ghosts. We all have experienced anxiety in our lives. Going far back in time, learning what anxiety is, why it makes us so nauseous, so uncomfortable. It all started when we were apes, oh I mean our ancestors were apes. Anxiety is a feeling which basically warns animals from any danger, from being prey to attackers. So what basically happens when we are anxious is, the blood flow goes straight to our legs, cutting the flow to our digestive system. There is no way in the world you are feeling anxious and eating food at the same time, it feels like you are going to throw up everything you ever ate. The feeling developed to run, to escape. It has not evolved the way we deal with situations nowadays like sitting in a chair, feeling anxious over public speaking, breakup, or whatever. We are not the prey anymore, there is no need to run, there is no way to just escape this feeling. Now coming on to the second part, the more important one. How to deal with anxiety. How to get over the feeling as soon as possible. One way is to utilize what your body has given to you, start doing physical activity, cause your body is already active ready to flee, it won’t mind burning some calories. This approach is rather a radical one, when we are under so much pressure we just can't. It is a temporary solution but not a permanent one. The sad part is, there is no permanent solution to this, there are ways, habits to deal with this. Habits such as meditation, which I will talk about soon in a new blog. But the easiest way to deal with this feeling is. First, acknowledge that you are feeling this way, acknowledge that what you are feeling is anxiety. Secondly, take a pause, take a break from whatever you are thinking, pay attention to your breaths which are probably running faster. Try to breathe normally, Take a deep breath, hold it for four seconds and exhale through your mouth. Now we are halfway done. You are already feeling better now, be in the moment. Third, straight your spin, it affects your overall mood. Continue the breathing exercise until you feel normal. Now when you have clamed your physical effects of anxiety, it's time to acknowledge the mental effects. Ask yourself what caused this, why are you feeling this way. Free yourself, write what you are feeling, write everything. Read what you wrote, analyze. At last, its all a process and it's all natural, it's okay, it happens to everyone, its nothing to be ashamed of. Love yourself.


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