Living Like atoms

Somewhere between saying, "lets just give it one more try" and "No, i can't  take it anymore" our life circle ends. 
So do you remember your chemistry class when your teacher told you for the first time that everything around us is made up of atoms which consist of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron... you all must be thinking why am i screwing up you by taking back to boring chemistry classes. But our life is also just as that atom which has got negativity and positivity, together makes our life neutral. Then it will be at times when you face failure, thinking that everything has come to an end but does it.? DOES THIS IS REALLY THE END? when you come across such question, rethink the situation what is the worst you can get from this failure offcource life is not on its end yet, you will get to know that whether you are overreacting or not. Then think that does this failure have given me something? something good , something to learn or something not to repeat  the next time you will feel positive after doing this for sure! WE ALWAYS LEARN SOMETHING FROM FAILURE ALSO.
So never loose hope from this world if all doors are closed create a new one!! 
'Failure needs willingness to learn not negligence.'


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